美国市场营销硕士一般是一年制或一年半制、职业性而非学术性的学位,实用性非常强。一般开设在商学院下,其核心课程一般包括Statistics and Marketing Research、Media and Politics、Advertising and Promotion Strategy、Marketing Management,还可能涉及到一些MBA的课程和商科的课程,比如Pricing Strategies、Media Metrics, Analytics and Economics、Financial Analysis of Marketing Decisions、Corporate Financial Accounting or GBA 450 Accounting, Economics and Finance for MS Students。实际上每所学校由于侧重的领域不同,对学生的偏好也不一样,如偏重市场分析的会有一些数学统计和微积分的先修课要求,整合营销会比较看重工作经验和实习经历。
美国Top 50的学校:一般建议GPA3.3+,GRE315+,托福110+,GMAT700+。学校通常非常看重成绩,同时也关注实习工作经历。一般情况下,有知名企业和高管经验的申请人,会更具有竞争优势。
美国Top51-80左右的学校的要求则相对较低:GPA 3.0,GRE 300+,T95+。
美国USNEWS综合排名前100的院校当中,绝大多数学校把市场营销专业作为MBA的方向来进行开设,单独开设普通市场营销专业硕士的学校比较少,只有20所左右,前30名院校当中可选的更少。以下则是U.S. News官网上关于MBA下的Marketing 方向的部分学校排名,仅供参考:
Best Marketing MBA Programs
Ranked in 2017, part of Best Business Schools
Earning a marketing MBA can help you understand consumer behavior, enhance your communication skills, expose you to market research and much more. These are the top business schools for marketing MBA programs.
Rankings | Overall Business School Program Data | ||
Rank | School name | Tuition | Enrollment (full-time) |
#1 | Northwestern University (Kellogg) Evanston, IL (西北大学) | $66,462 per year (full-time) | 1,301 |
#2 | University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Philadelphia, PA(宾夕法尼亚大学) | $67,516 per year (full-time) | 1,708 |
#3 | Stanford University Stanford, CA (斯坦福大学) | $66,540 per year (full-time) | 833 |
#4 | Duke University (Fuqua) Durham, NC (杜克大学) | $63,200 per year (full-time) | 896 |
#5 | University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ross) Ann Arbor, MI (密歇根大学安娜堡分校) | $59,350 per year (in-state, full-time); $64,350 per year (out-of-state, full-time) | 801 |
#6 | Harvard University Boston, MA (哈佛大学) | $63,675 per year (full-time) | 1,871 |
#7 | University of Chicago (Booth) Chicago, IL (芝加哥大学) | $66,540 per year (full-time) | 1,185 |
#8 | Columbia University New York, NY (哥伦比亚大学) | $68,792 per year (full-time) | 1,326 |
#9Tie | New York University (Stern) New York, NY (纽约大学) | $66,588 per year (full-time) | 790 |
#9Tie | University of California—Berkeley (Haas) Berkeley, CA (加州大学伯克利分校) | $56,009 per year (in-state, full-time); $57,560 per year (out-of-state, full-time) | 502 |
#11 | Indiana University (Kelley) Bloomington, IN (印第安纳大学) | $25,500 per year (in-state, full-time); $44,460 per year (out-of-state, full-time) | 370 |
International student applicants to the Full-time IMC program are highly encouraged to submit a completed application for the Round 1 deadline. If an international student is unable to submit a completed application by Round 1, they may still submit for Round 2.
Late applications for the Full-time and Part-time IMC programs are reviewed on a space-available basis. If you miss the deadlines for these program, please submit your application as soon as possible.
If you miss a deadline for the IMC Online program, we encourage you to submit your application for the next quarter.
Application Requirements:
You may request a waiver of the GRE and GMAT requirement if:
You are a current degree-seeking Northwestern University student or degree-holding Northwestern University alumnus/a;
You have 5 or more years of full-time professional work experience in marketing or a closely related field;
You are an approved dual degree applicant currently attending Nanyang Technological University;
You are an approved dual degree applicant currently attending Peking University;
You are an approved dual degree applicant currently attending City University of Hong Kong and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above.
You can request this waiver in the Test Information section of the application. If you request a waiver, Medill may still recommend that you take the GRE or GMAT if we think it will allow us to give better consideration to your application. Please email MedillGraduateAdmissions@northwestern.edu if you have questions about your eligibility for a waiver.